TALK2 + Workshop: “Livres d’ Artiste”/ Argyri Vassilakou

On Friday 29/09 at 18.30, at the ΕΚΤόΣ art space, artist and printmaker, Agyri Vassilakou, gave a presentation on artists’ books, (Livres d’ Artiste). According to the artist, artists’ books (Livres d’ Artiste) contain a hidden world which inspire energy, where the intangible meets the material. Questions were answered regarding the text, the image, the book as a material object and as a work of art. The presentation ended with a video and a question and answer session.

On Saturday 30/09 at 12.00 noon, the participants of the artists’ book session followed a workshop on bookbinding and the creation of artists’ books. The results were highly original, interesting and imaginative.

The activity took place as part of the programme, ‘ PLAYTIME’, cultural and educational activities. Financial support was provided by the Ministry of Culture.

Stay tuned and register for participation in the activities which interest you in the programme PLAYTIME – TIME FOR PRINTMAKING (Both the talks and workshops will be in Greek. Participation at your own risk. Please inform us of the smooth running of the programme):


Cycle of presentations and workshops

1. Michaelis Adamis (silk-screen artist) Saturday 23/09/2023, 12.00 midday.

Presentation ‘The history of silk-screen printing’. Video screening on the theme of silk-screen printing.

Discussion and informative session to follow.

2. Argyri Vasilakou (artist/printmaker) Friday 29/09/2023, 18.30 pm.

Presentation of ‘The artist’s book’. Video screening, discussion and informative session.                            Argyri Vasilakou. Saturday 30/09/2023, 12.00 midday. Creative workshop, stitching an artist’s book.         

3.Panos Pristouris (artist/printmaker). Workshop: ‘Woodcut for adults’. Saturday 21/10/2023, 12.00 midday.  (In case places are full the presentation will be repeated Saturday 4/11/2023, 12.00 -14.00 pm)

 4. Dina Kostiou (Professor at Athens School of Fine Art) Saturday 18/11/2023 12.00 midday.

Lecture ‘ The history of lithography’. Projection, informative session and discussion.

5. Vanta Mavroeidi (artist/printmaker) Saturday 2/12/2023, 12.00 middayPresentation: ‘Transforming positive to negative’. Transformation using the technique of engraving cinematic film. 

6.Sophie Papadopoulou (Assistant professor at Western Macedonia School of Fine Arts) Saturday 9/12/2023, 12.00 midday. Talk: ‘Printmaking and new technologies’. 

7. Valentini Mavrodoglou (artist/printmaker) Saturday 16/12/2023, 12.00 midday. Workshop: ‘Lino print on fabric’. (adults and children)

8. Michaelis Arfaras (Professor at Athens School of Fine Art) Saturday 23/12/2023, 12.00 midday. Lecture: ‘Engraving as a form of printed artwork‘. Presentation of original editions 1980 – 2023

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